Lil’ Kim

Read an interesting article a few days ago about North Korean President Kim Jong Il’s receding hairline. Apparent, he was at a photo call with Chinese Premier Jiang Zemin, and when turned around, those present were presented with a clear view of bald patches at the back of his head. Needless to say, the shutters just went crazy at the National Geographic-worthy sight.

It’s been interesting to read about Kim or, as Dubya folks apparently refer to, Lil Kim. “Legend” has it that when he was born in a log cabin in Mt Paektu near Pyongyang, there was a double rainbow and a bright star in the sky. Reality is less auspicious though – he was actually born in Siberia when his father was hiding.

He is often portrayed as vain and capricious – his carefully permed and coiffured hair and raised shoes added about 10 cm to his height. And befitting the dictators of yore, he kept a harem of beautiful women, including blondes – his favorite. How he ever got them to stay and serve him is beyond me, but reports have that he has kidnapped women from Japan to be his companions.