
Hello world!

This is a new install of WordPress. The old host tripled their prices and I moved over to inMotion hosting. They are very reasonable and have great service. Unfortunately, the old host lapsed before I could import it to the new one and all I had was some random SQL dumps. It’s been about a year and I only now decided to have a go at resurrecting the past and starting up again. After some jerky mistakes and multiple database restores and exports it may finally be beginning to work? Let’s proceed…

Another WebHostFace

IMG_5845w DreamHost. It was alright. Not a dream, though. An expiring discount wanes along with the realization that this blog rests decidedly along the more leisurely stagnant slope. So, to preserve the lifeless, I sought out the aid of MakeUseOf Deals to find and even better deal with the delightfully named WebHostFace. They actually seem quite helpful and responsive, are full on with the Let’s Encrypt movement, have all the cPanelz, PHPz and SQLz, and their Softaculous module installer thing is nifty, if only to browse what sort of things are out there.


WordPress 3.3 White Editor

You’ve rushed ahead and upgraded to WP3.3 and all looks well. All except that the menus don’t work and when you try to edit a post, everything appears to be gone. You notice that your writing is there, but that it is white text on a white background (and there are not buttons and you cannot get out of Visual mode). For me at least this was the solution: (1) clear your cache (2) install the Hotfix 0.8 (currently labeled development version) plugin from here.

On my end, I scoured the forum, followed the official word, cleared my cache, tried Hotfix 0.7, re-upgraded, killed all my themes and plugins, re-upgraded manually, read post after post telling people to just read the FAQ and rejoice. There was no joy in any of that for me. Glory be for the good fellow over at the WordPress Genius Bar, for the divine led me to his post: WordPress 3.3 Upgrade Problem: Toolbar Disappears in Page/Post Editor.

What a long road. Overall, you should just stay where you are until 3.3.1 pops out. If you weren’t so lucky, I hope this helps.