
Are you a student? Your personal data is there for the asking

According to FERPA, directory information, “would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed”. But Figueroa said colleges can pretty much decide what to include, which could mean a student photo, student ID and parents’ names, address, and where they were born, in addition to the list above.

Source: Are you a student? Your personal data is there for the asking – Naked Security

Google wants to track you in real life

Just how much fuel do we want to add to what Google already knows about us? Depending on which of its tools we use, Google knows what we think, what we need, what we desire, our political and spiritual beliefs, our age, our gender, what music we listen to, what we watch, what we read, where we’ve been, where we plan to go, where we work, where we hang out, where we live, who we meet, where we shop, when we shop, what we buy, how much money we’re worth, how much we spend, and how much energy we consume.

Source: Google wants to track you in real life – privacy group says, ‘No way!’ – Naked Security

Alexa is listening to what you say – and might share that with developers

When you’re not actively using Alexa, be sure to mute. Privacy issues within the home join those of ‘anonymized’ data from the outside world …

The upshot: with 10 known transactions – easy enough to rack up if you grab coffee from the same shop every morning, park at the same lot every day and pick up your newspaper from the same newstand – the researchers found they had a better than 80% chance of identifying you.At any rate, at this point, Amazon’s smart assistant only records what’s said to it after it’s triggered by someone saying “Alexa” (or one of the other trigger words you can choose for the device).But it’s certainly possible that the

Source: Alexa is listening to what you say – and might share that with developers – Naked Security